A bit about myself

I recently completed my PhD in Art History at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Since I graduated in May 2021 and spent the last year of dissertating self-isolated without access to libraries, archives, or collections, I am dubbing myself a "plague doctor." My primary area of focus is Roman art and material culture with an emphasis on the historical under-representation of women, particularly as seen through their roles in textile production and portrayals in artwork and material culture. My dissertation focuses on women and textile production in the Roman Empire, exploring the distinctions and intersections between domestic and commercial production and the performative ways that wool work was used to shape women's identities.

I am interested in Digital Humanities and believe that DH researchers should have access to a basic toolkit of programming skills. To that end, I have co-developed a series of workshops to teach programming to humanities students in particular, and more broadly anyone who wants to learn programming but does’t have a math or computer science background.

I have been a Free Software user for fifteen years. For the past five years I have been an advocate for Open Access and Free and Open Source software in academia as a means of empowering scholars and students as well as offering greater access to larger portions of the population.

I am the co-host and co-producer for FOSS and Crafts, a podcast about free software, free culture, and making things together. This podcast takes an interdisciplinary approach to these topics through the intersecting themes of user freedom and agency.

