#lang scribble/base @(require "../Bibliography/cite.rkt" scriblib/footnote) @define-cite-footnote[footnote make-footnote cite-footnote] @;(define-bibitem LastnameYear1 @; (ref-type "Journal") @;(contributors @; (authors (author "Lastname, Firstname"))) @; (titles @; (title @; "Title") @; (secondary-title @; "Journal Name")) @; (volume "") @; (periodical @; (full-title @; "Journal Name")) @; (pages "") @; (dates (year "") (pub-dates (date "")))) @;(define-bibitem LastnameYear1 @; (ref-type "Chapter") @;(contributors @; (authors (author "Lastname, Firstname")) @; (secondary-authors (author "Lastname, Firstname"))) @; (titles @; (title @; "Title") @; (secondary-title @; "Book Title")) @; (volume "") @; (periodical @; (full-title @; "Book Title")) @; (pages "") @; (dates (year "") (pub-dates (date ""))) @; (pub-location "") @; (publisher "")) @; @; (define-bibitem LastnameYear2 @; (ref-type "Book") @; (contributors (authors (author "Lastname, Firstname"))) @; (titles @; (title @; "Title")) @; (dates (year "") (pub-dates (date ""))) @; (publisher "City : Publisher")) *Lastname, Firstname come from (authors (author "Lastname, Firstname")) *Firstname2, Lastname2 come from (tertiary-authors (author "Lastname, Firstname")) @section{Footnote} cite-footnote: 1 Lastname date, # 2 Lastname date, #-# 3 Lastname and Lastname2 date, # *This is the format I need for footnotes in both cite-footnote (automatic footnote with just citation) and cite (used within footnotes that have either multiple citations or other clarifying comments). This applies for all reference types other than primary ancient sources (see below) @section{Book} ref-type "Book" 1 Lastname, Firstname. date. @italic{Title.} City : Publisher. 2 Lastname, Firstname, and Firstname Lastname. date. @italic{Title.} publisher. 3 Lastname, Firstname, Firstname Lastname, and Firstname Lastname. date. @italic{Title.} City: Publisher. @;(define-bibitem DAmbra1993 @; (ref-type "Book") @; (contributors (authors (author "D'Ambra, Eve"))) @; (titles @; (title @; "Private Lives, Imperial Virtues: The Frieze of the Forum Transitorium in Rome")) @; (dates (year "1993") (pub-dates (date "1993"))) @; (publisher "Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press")) D'Ambra, Eve. 1993. @italic{Private Lives, Imperial Virtues: The Frieze of the Forum Transitorium in Rome.} Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press. @section{Chapter} ref-type "Chapter" 1 Lastname, Firstname. date. "title." In @italic{secondary-title,} edited by Firstname2 Lastname2, pages. City: Publisher. 2 Lastname, Firstname, and Firstname Lastname. date. "title." In @italic{secondary-title,} edited by Firstname2 Lastname2 and Firstname2 Lastname2, pages. pub-location: publisher. 3 Lastname, Firstname, Firstname Lastname, and Firstname Lastname. date. "title." In @italic{secondary-title,} edited by Firstname2 Lastname2, Firstname2 Lastname2, and Firstname2 Lastname2, pages. City: Publisher. @;(define-bibitem BendaWeber2013 @; (ref-type "Chapter") @;(contributors @; (authors (author "Benda-Weber, Isabella")) @; (tertiary-authors (author "Gleba, Margarita") @; (author "Pásztókai-Szeöke, Judit"))) @; (titles @; (title @; "Textile Production Centres, Products and Merchants in the Roman Province of Asia") @; (secondary-title @; "Making Textiles in Pre-Roman and Roman Times: People, Places, Identities")) @; (pages "171-191") @; (dates (year "2013") (pub-dates (date "2013"))) @; (pub-location "Oxford") @; (publisher "Oxbow Books")) Benda-Weber, Isabella, 2013. "Textile Production Centres, Products and Merchants in the Roman Province of Asia." In @italic{Making Textiles in Pre-Roman and Roman Times: People, Places, Identities,} edited by Margarita Gleba and Judit Pásztókai-Szeöke, 171-191. Oxford: Oxbow Books. @section{Journal} ref-type "Journal" 1 Lastname, Firstname. date. "title." @italic{secondary-title} volume:pages. 2 Lastname, Firstname, and Firstname Lastname. date. "title." @italic{secondary-title} volume:pages. 3 Lastname, Firstname, Firstname Lastname, and Firstname Lastname. date. "title." @italic{secondary-title} volume:pages. @;(define-bibitem Pollard1998 @; (ref-type "Journal") @;(contributors @; (authors (author "Pollard, Nigel"))) @; (titles @; (title @; "The Chronology and Economic Condition of Late Roman Karanis: An Archaeological Reassessment") @; (secondary-title @; "Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt")) @; (volume "35") @; (periodical @; (full-title @; "Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt")) @; (pages "147-162") @; (dates (year "1998") (pub-dates (date "1998")))) Pollard, Nigel. 1998. "The Chronology and Economic Condition of Late Roman Karanis: An Archaeological Reassessment." @italic{Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt} 35:147-162. @section{Web Page} ref-type "Web Page" Lastname, Firstname. date. @italic{Title.} @url{url}. @;(define-bibitem KaranisHousingProject @; (ref-type "Web Page") @; (contributors (authors (author "Wilburn, Andrew"))) @; (titles @; (title @; "Karanis Housing Project")) @; (dates (year "2019") (pub-dates (date "2019"))) @; (url ("http://karanishousingproject.org/index.html"))) Wilburn, Andrew. 2019. @italic{Karanis Housing Project.} @url{http://karanishousingproject.org/index.html}. @section{Primary} ref-type "Primary" Lastname. date. @italic{Title.} Translated by Firstname2 Lastname2. publisher. @url{url}. *cite (footnote): Lastname, @italic{abbreviation} @;(define-bibitem OvidMet @; (ref-type "Primary") @;(contributors @; (authors (author "Ovid")) @; (tertiary-authors (author "More, Brookes"))) @; (titles @; (title @; "Metamorphoses") @; (abbreviation @; "Met")) @; (dates (year "1922") (pub-dates (date "1922"))) @; (publisher "Boston: Cornhill Publishing Co.") @; (url ("http://data.perseus.org/citations/urn:cts:latinLit:phi0959.phi006.perseus-eng1:6.504-6.586"))) Ovid. 1922. @italic{Metamorphoses.} Translated by Brookes More. Boston: Cornhill Publishing Co. @url{http://data.perseus.org/citations/urn:cts:latinLit:phi0959.phi006.perseus-eng1:6.504-6.586} *cite (footnote): Ovid, @italic{Met}